Marjo Hallila (b.1969)

Marjo Hallila graduated with a Master of Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2017 and from the University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2005. Today, she lives and works in Sörkänmäki in Central Finland. Hallila has specialised in experimental contemporary graphic art and abstract painting alongside photography and her secret passion, poster art.

“Multidisciplinary work is a major resource and a lifeline in my art: intersectional processes are influenced by one another and support, challenge and question each other. I work in constant interaction with my materials and the environment. At the basis of my work is the question of the perception of concepts related to existence and essence.”

The work of art exhibited at the M_itä? Biennale of Contemporary Art is a poster series, which reminds us of the fundamental goodness of people. The posters are frank statements to advocate what is beautiful and good, thus, allowing us to imagine a better future. They give us hope and encourage us to think, dream and act in pursuit of a better future. The work of art is showcased within an urban environment and as part of people’s day-to-day life. The artist’s wish is to see poster art as a natural part of the culture of dialogue in cities and villages. The artist has received funding from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Photos: Harri Heinonen, © Marjo Hallila, Kuvasto ry, Harri Heinonen ja Mikkelin taidemuseo

Julisteita tulevaisuudesta (Posters from Future), 2021, paper posters, Mikkeli Art Museum

Julisteita tulevaisuudesta (Posters from Future), 2021, paper posters, Market Square

Julisteita tulevaisuudesta (Posters from Future), 2021, paper posters, Church Park